Nechomas Yisroel
Tuition Support

Nechomas Yisroel

Any student coming from public school qualifies for Nechoms Yisroel. This scholarship is only for 1st-5th grade. 

This scholarship is independent of income.

Did Your Child Attend Public School?

Do you want to learn more about your Jewish heritage?

You Qualify For Nechomas Yisroel

See below for details.

Nechomas Yisroel EXPLAINED

How much does Nechomas Yisroel provide?

Nechomas Yisroel gives $1,200 per child (1st-5th grade) when switching from public/charter school.

What is the family learning requirement?

One parents must complete learning with the Oorah Program (no additional learning required).

How is the money applied to tuition?

Families will receive a $120 tuition discount per month, on the following month’s invoice (on a 10 month billing cycle).

Can a family receive Nechomas Yisroel for multiple children?

Yes. There are no additional learning hours required per child.

How many years can a family receive Nechomas Yisroel funding?

A family will receive Nechamas Yisroel funding until their child reaches 6th grade.

Can a family receive Oorah, Chinuch Yehudi, and Nichomas Yisroel?

Yes. A family can receive up to $3,500 from Oorah, $1,000 from Chinuch Yehudi, and $1,200 from Nechomas Yisroel–totaling a $5,700 tuition discount.

What happens if we do not fulfill our learning commitments?

If a family does not fulfill their learning commitment, the next tuition invoice will only reflect the tuition fee without the discount. The learning cycle renews each month, and lost hours may not be made up the following month.

To apply, email a copy of your Shorashim Academy Acceptance Letter to

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